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Learn how to increase productivity at work and take advantage of your precious time IN 2021.

 Learn how to increase productivity at work and take advantage of your precious time IN 2021.

Learn how to increase productivity at work and take advantage of your precious time
Learn how to increase productivity at work and take advantage of your precious time

Oh, my God, I've got a lot of tasks I haven't done, and it's been hours?

A question that many of us ask themselves is very surprising and disappointed, how is this time lost without me fulfilling the most important tasks my manager asked me or the most important work on the To-do list?

This situation may be even more catastrophic, when we find ourselves in this situation for long days, which exacerbates the situation and sometimes the Director's anger.

With so many distractions around us; We become the ones who struggle to perform tasks and reach a satisfactory level of productivity.

Whether you're working in a career or a job, or you're studying something, or you're working on your own project; It will be important to know how to increase productivity at work, and how to make the most of your time without regret by the end of the day.

You don't think those who have reached high levels of productivity are superheroes; on the contrary, they're ordinary people, but they haven't given up on that situation and insisted on changing their lives.

In this article, I will address with you the most important advice and strategies that answer the common question that we all ask; "How do I get more productive at work so my boss doesn't fire me?" Moreover, I'll furthermore put in a lot of critical contraptions that will help you.

How to increase productivity at work (9 effective strategies)

1. Empty everything inside your mind

With so many ideas in your head, and the tasks you receive from your manager, and what you plan to do to carry out these tasks, as well as what you think about your personal life, your mind becomes full of many confused ideas that need to be arranged and organized.

What is even more difficult is that some people have ADHD, and in the case of these people, many ideas flow through their heads and may distract from what they do.

The solution in this case is to unload your mind, unload all the ideas that go around in your head so that you don't go after your brain all the time, you can write these ideas in paper or computer-based, or apply notes like Google Keep.

2. Multi-tasking avoidance

You may have heard of this term before in the working environment or by experts. In multiple tasks, a person switches tasks, performs part of a task without completing it, then leaves it and moves on to another task after it, and so jumps between tasks.

There's a class of people who think that multitasking is a powerful point for them, but in fact it's much more damaging than it is, multitasking is causing a productivity deficit, where you're fully focused on a particular task and suddenly you leave it and the rope breaks. Instead, focus on one task, give it time and then move on.

Avoiding multitasking will save you the time that goes in between tasks, restoring focus in each.

I know that many readers suffer from this problem, and they don't find a solution, especially those who work digitally, in fact there's a simple application that contributes to the fight against this problem.

This application, in the name of Forrest, gives you 25 minutes to complete a particular task and blocks other tasks, for example: You have four windows on the Chrome browser, one of which works on a task, so the app leaves this window and blocks the rest of the windows.

When you complete 25 minutes of work the application builds you a tree (virtual), but it's actually grown as this is part of the company's environmental conservation practices, and you can keep track of the tree's growth.

When you're interested in entering other windows, the app tells you that the tree won't grow, the app plays on a part within behavioral psychology that humans don't like to lose, especially when they see something growing or growing before their eyes.

Configure Add Forest: Stay fucked, be ready on your Google Chrome browser, so you can use the tool on your computer.

It's worth noting that there are many features and features of Google Chrome that help you increase productivity and save time, including the wonderful Google Chrome additions that enable you to shorten a lot of time and carry out a lot of tasks with ease.

3. Create a dispersal-free environment

No one can deny the size of the distractions in our lives, our lives have become screens at work and screens at home, phone notices like social media comments and stories (which I consider thieves for our time if we don't pay attention to the size of our browsing), email updates, the entry and exit of anyone in case you work in the office and your fellow employees.

And here comes the question of how to increase productivity in the work environment and combat all distractions?

Turn off the phone notices during time.

If you could work in a locked room, that would be a right choice.

If your concentration increases with a little quiet music, it's okay to run for a little while until it reaches the highest concentration point.

You can start your day with a little bit of meditation practice in your office before you start your tasks.

Remember: You can set a time after work is over to review email and respond to messages that need to be returned, or you can split that time by checking part of the mail in the morning and part after work is done.

You might ask me: I've already improved the working environment, but my colleagues are the only handicap now, so what do I do?

Now put a new system in place for yourself, that you're not going to communicate with them until at a certain time, for example at breaks or in the afternoon, some colleagues might not like this system and this rigor, but you're doing it all for your own good.

Whatever they refuse, they'll adjust to the situation after a while. Some may make fun of you because of this decision, but don't just turn around and put yourself and increase your productivity at work in the first place.

4. Set your priorities

You have a lot of different tasks, and it requires you to make a mixed effort? It's not from us. Regulating priorities is the solution and successful strategy that contributes to how to increase productivity at work, proven for many years with world leaders from everywhere.

How do I set my priorities and tasks at work?

You first need to realize that the tasks are different in the effort you need, at the time of delivery, and how important they are to you. Here you can use the Eisenhower priority matrix, which is divided as follows:

Urgent and important

Important and not urgent

Urgent and irrelevant

Unimportant and not urgent

Here's an explanation of each type of task:

1. Urgent and important: It's a task that needs to be done immediately, and it doesn't require a reprieve, for example, from your boss, and you have to hand it over in an hour.

2. Important and not urgent: It's a task that needs to be done today or next days, for example, but not now, and you'd better schedule it for a good time, or when it's out of your mind.

3. Urgent and irrelevant: It's a task that has to be done now, but it's not important, so you better delegate it to someone. For example: Some managers delegate this type of task to team members to learn to do it or learn a particular skill.

4. Unimportant and not urgent: And it's a task that you can get rid of because it's irrelevant, because what you have to turn to is important tasks, or in other words tasks that might be damaged by not doing them.

5. Take a break at regular intervals

Many employees make the terrible mistake of continuing to work long periods without taking a break to rest their minds, although research has shown that breaks increase productivity.

Sitting for long hours in your chair and in front of your office reduces the state of activity and concentration, you have to take a short break and have a little walk, have your favorite drink or any drink that helps the activity.

Taking a break at regular intervals also reduces decision stressors, which are the result of a lot of thought and focus at work for a long time, and this may cause you to make a lot of mistakes based on the wrong decisions you made in the middle of the job.

6. Set an estimated time for each task

I've heard a complaint from a lot of my friends and coworkers that they might take the day to do just one job, even though it didn't take that long.

This is due to the absence of time limits for each task: You start the job and then you get busy talking to your colleagues, and then you get back on the job for a little while, and then you take a little break.

Then you say I'll check my e-mail quickly, but what happens is that you sink into the sea of e-mails and respond to them, and you pull yourself into a lot of distractions until the end of business.

In that case, you need to put in time for each mission, you've tried this strategy and it's been effective with me. When you force yourself on a certain time, you will find that you are committed to it, and that your mind has directed all its focus in completing the task ahead of time.

Treat time as the receptacle and the task is liquid, the fluid takes the shape of the receptacle, so the task will take exactly as long as you set it.

Imagine when you're asked for a presentation, a month in front of you, another presentation, but four days in front of you, here you'll find yourself having a long time each.

The Parkinson's Act says: So tell yourself what things I shouldn't do during task time.

Because many things are unnecessary and useless, you may do them during the time of the mission, so there are many benefits that come from stopping doing useless things during the time you set out to finish the tasks.

For example, there are some messages that you need to respond to, just put 30-45 minutes to respond to, and try to stick to this time, it may be hard at first, but over time you'll find yourself better using the estimated duration of your tasks.

Note: Surely a task may be more than a certain time you've already set for her, but you will often find that task time is lower than before, and you may understand that this is the benefit of setting Deadlines deadlines as many people will not accomplish tasks.

7. Accomplish your most difficult tasks at the top of your activity

Getting rid of difficult tasks first is a smart practice; At the beginning of the day, we're like a full phone battery, with less time, as we consume ourselves in activities, until we reach the moment when our power runs out.

Leaving the difficult tasks to the end of the day will force us to accomplish them at a time when our energy is very low, and this period requires simple activities or tasks that do not require full focus and attention.

Note: Don't do hard tasks one by one, because that's going to reduce your activity, and you're not going to be able to follow the day. Instead, do a difficult task or you need to focus, and then a simple task so you can get your activity back and focus again, and certainly take a break like we said.

8. Do a paper task board (Sticky Notes)

If you're constantly forgetting your tasks, which reduces your productivity at work, there's a simple solution. An expert at Stanford University suggests that you put an errand in front of your office and each assignment on a sticky note.

Each task can make a color, and these colors are based on a specific classification such as how difficult or easy the tasks are, the time required to complete them, the deadline for delivery.

Any classification of your choice can help you increase your productivity at work.

9. Reduce the number of meetings

Meetings have a bad impact on staff members, where people always complain about crazy time-consuming meetings with both the team and managers, to determine whether a meeting is useful or not to ask the person who announced the meeting what it was for, if it can be done without a meeting, you can apologize for coming.

Imagine with me your boss wants to get together to discuss the most important developments in a project you're working on in a team. You can send them the most important updates by mail instead of meeting.

You can agree on broad lines with your managers and your team, which is to communicate through e-mail, and to set a weekly meeting to see anything new or up-to-date about something, and if there's any emergency then you can meet with them.

Additional advice: Jeff Bezos, Chief Executive Officer of Amazon, thought that meetings with more people were less productive and a waste of time.

So he's got a funny rule: The solution to overcome the problem of useless meetings is; A meeting will be held only if the participants are sufficient for only two pizza pies.

Tools to help increase productivity at work

1. Trello Tool

Trillo helps organize all your projects that you work on with different teams. Trillo is one of the most important tools that will keep you productive with its many features and ease of use.

2. Toggle Tool

This website provides a great series of tools that help freelancers track tasks to increase productivity, also tools for well-off people who do their jobs, tools for time management, and other tools to help with different things like project management.

3. Loom Tool

What if there's a difficult technical task for your team and I explained it to them via a voicemail on WhatsApp, and then everyone kept wondering about some little details, would you waste your time? Sure. Yeah. Instead you could have explained it to them practically to understand it from the first time.

We all face this scenario in the working environment, the idea of explaining something to your task force like the right way to perform a particular task, but textual explanation would not be helpful K and team members would continue to question some of the queries regarding these tasks. So what's the solution?

The solution is this tool, where it allows you to record a audio and video clip on your device and you explain a particular task or explain any idea to your team.

Many teams prefer to use Loom for its proven effectiveness in conveying all the difficult details of work, so you will no longer waste your time explaining long and difficult tasks.

For more applications and tools; Go back to our previous article entitled: Best Applications of Time Regulation and Productivity Enhancement.

In conclusion, what I have addressed:

Of course, you know that we're in an accelerated work environment, and the day when you don't work accumulates a lot of tasks that can be hard to keep up with tomorrow's new ones, and as a result we're all looking to increase productivity at work continuously, and finally stating that productivity is not measured by time, but by how well you've actually done it.

With you following these tips, I promise you'll be able to do all the tasks perfectly without wasting your time. Now, tell me, what advice did you draw your attention to and intend to try?

